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HomeBlogsbradpengelly's blogDISCHARGE SCREEN PRINTING


posted in by bradpengelly

The new way to go with dark t shirts - Discharge ink used with plastisol colours.

Discharge inks soak nicely into a shirts fabric. The difference between this and regular water based ink is that there is a discharge agent mixed into the ink which means it removes manufacturer dye in the shirt. Once the manufacturer dye has been removed from the shirt, the discharge ink will work to re-dye that area the desired ink colour.

Discharge ink works best with darker coloured shirts as it produces a uniquely bright print result. This is also based on the individual fabric compositions.

On the above image, we have used a five-colour screen print. The discharge ink was used as the underbase and then plastisol colours to really highlight the features. Discharge screen printing is a great way to produce the best quality colours on a darker shirts.

If you want to find out more about discharge screen printing or the different methods of screen printing then make sure you call us today. 

Discharge Screen Printing Locations

Discharge Screen Printing Brisbane

Discharge Screen Printing Sydney

Discharge Screen Printing Melbourne

Discharge Screen Printing Sunshine Coast

Discharge Screen Printing Gold Coast

Discharge Screen Printing Perth

budget screen printingcheap screen printingdischarge inkdischarge screen printingplastisolplastisol colour screen printingscreen printerscreen printing with discharge

11 Feb, 15
